Upgrading OmniSci

As with any software upgrade, it is important that you back up your data before you upgrade OmniSci. Each release introduces efficiencies that are not necessarily compatible with earlier releases of the platform. OmniSci is never expected to be backward compatible.

Back up the contents of your $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory, where all data and configuration information are stored.

How you upgrade OmniSci depends on how you installed it.

Upgrading OmniSci Using Docker

To upgrade OmniSci in place in Docker, stop the Docker container, back up your data directory, then run the OmniSci Docker install command.

  1. In a terminal window, get the Docker container ID:

    docker container ls

    You see output similar to the following. The first entry is the container ID. In this example, it is 9e01e520c30c:

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
    9e01e520c30c        omnisci/omnisci-ee-cpu     “/bin/sh -c ‘/omnisci...”   3 days ago          Up 3 days >6273-6274/tcp                 confident_neumann
  2. Stop the OmniSci Docker container. For example:

    docker container stop 9e01e520c30c

    Optionally, remove the OmniSci Docker container. This removes unused Docker containers on your system and saves disk space. For example:

    docker container rm 9e01e520c30c
  3. Back up the storage directory on the host machine. The default location is ~/var/lib/omnisci.

  4. Download the latest version of Docker.

    For Enterprise edition without GPUs:

    docker pull omnisci/omnisci-ee-cpu

    For Enterprise edition with GPUs:

    docker pull omnisci/omnisci-ee-cuda
  5. Run the Docker run command.

    For Enterprise edition without GPUs:

    sudo docker run --name=omnisci \
      -d \
      -v /var/lib/omnisci:/omnisci-storage \
      -p 6273-6280:6273-6280 \

    For Enterprise edition with GPUs:

    sudo docker run --name=omnisci \
      -d --runtime=nvidia \
      -v /var/lib/omnisci:/omnisci-storage \
      -p 6273-6280:6273-6280 \

This runs both OmniSci server and Immerse web server in that container.

You can optionally add --rm to the Docker run command so that the container is removed when it is stopped.

See also the note regarding the CUDA JIT Cache in Optimizing Performance.

Upgrading OmniSci Using Yum

To upgrade an existing system installed with Yum to the latest version, you run the Yum update command. The command upgrades OmniSci in place without disturbing your configuration or stored data.

To Upgrade OmniSci Using Yum:

  1. Stop the OmniSci servers.

    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
  2. Back up your $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory (default location is /var/lib/omnisci).

  3. Run the Yum update command.

    yum update omnisci
  4. When installation is complete, restart the OmniSci servers.

    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server

Upgrading OmniSci Using Apt

To upgrade an existing system installed with Apt to the latest version, you run the Apt update and upgrade commands. OmniSci is upgraded in place without disturbing your configuration or stored data.

To Upgrade OmniSci using Apt:

  1. Stop the OmniSci servers.

    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
  2. Back up your $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory (default location is /var/lib/omnisci).

  3. Run the Apt update command.

    apt update
  4. Run the Apt upgrade command.

    apt upgrade omnisci
  5. When installation is complete, restart the OmniSci servers.

    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server

Upgrading OmniSci Using a Tarball

To upgrade OmniSci using a tarball, stop the servers, back up your data, expand the TAR file to replace the OmniSci application, and then restart the servers.

  1. Stop the OmniSci web server and OmniSci server.

    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop omnisci_server
  2. Back up your $OMNISCI_STORAGE file (default location is /var/lib/omnisci).

  3. Optionally, move the previous version of the /opt/omnisci directory to another location. For example:

    sudo mv /opt/omnisci /opt/omnisci_previous

    Otherwise, remove the /opt/omnisci directory. For example:

    sudo rm -r /opt/omnisci
  4. Download and expand the OmniSci TAR file, per the installation instructions.

  5. Restart the servers.

    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server

Last updated

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