CentOS/RHEL Enterprise Edition CPU with Yum

This is an end-to-end recipe for installing OmniSci Enterprise Edition on a CentOS/RHEL 7 machine running without GPUs using Yum. This install has all of the functionality of OmniSci, except for backend rendering (Pointmap, Scatterplot, and other charts might not be available.)

Here is a short video overview of the installation process.

The order of these instructions is significant. To avoid problems, install each component in the order presented.


These instructions assume the following:

  • You are installing on a “clean” CentOS/RHEL 7 host machine with only the operating system installed.

  • Your OmniSci host only runs the daemons and services required to support OmniSci.

  • Your OmniSci host is connected to the Internet.


Prepare your host machine by updating your system, creating the OmniSci user, and enabling a firewall.

Update and Reboot

Update the entire system and reboot to activate the latest kernel.

sudo yum update
sudo reboot

Create the OmniSci User

Create a group called omnisci and a user named omnisci, who will be the owner of the OmniSci database. You can create the group, user, and home directory using the useradd command with the -U and -m switches.

sudo useradd -U -m omnisci


If it is not installed on your host machine, install firewalld.

sudo yum install firewalld
sudo systemctl start firewalld
sudo systemctl enable firewalld
sudo systemctl status firewalld

To use Immerse, you must prepare your host machine to accept HTTP connections. You can configure your firewall for external access.

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=6273/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

For more information, see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Firewalld?rd=FirewallD.

Most cloud providers use a different mechanism for firewall configuration. The commands above might not run in cloud deployments.


Create a repo file at /etc/yum.repos.d/omnisci.repo with the OmniSci repository specification:

name='omnisci ee - cpu'

Use the following yum command to install OmniSci:

sudo yum install omnisci


These are the steps to prepare your OmniSci environment.

Set Environment Variables

For convenience, you can update .bashrc with the required environment variables.

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Enter cd ~/ to go to your home directory.

  3. Open .bashrc in a text editor. For example, vi .bashrc.

  4. Edit the .bashrc file. Add the following export commands under “User specific aliases and functions.”

    # User specific aliases and functions
    export OMNISCI_USER=omnisci
    export OMNISCI_GROUP=omnisci
    export OMNISCI_STORAGE=/var/lib/omnisci
    export OMNISCI_PATH=/opt/omnisci
    export OMNISCI_LOG=/var/lib/omnisci/data/mapd_log
  5. Save the .bashrc file. For example, in vi, [esc]:x!

  6. Open a new terminal window to use your changes.

The $OMNISCI_STORAGE directory must be dedicated to OmniSci: do not set it to a directory shared by other packages.


Run the systemd installer.

cd $OMNISCI_PATH/systemd

Accept the values provided (based on your environment variables) or make changes as needed. The script creates a data directory in $OMNISCI_STORAGE with the directories mapd_catalogs, mapd_data, and mapd_export. mapd_import and mapd_log directories are created when you insert data the first time. If you are an OmniSci administrator, the mapd_log directory is of particular interest.


Start and use OmniSciDB and Immerse.

  1. Start OmniSciDB.

    sudo systemctl start omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl start omnisci_web_server
  2. Enable OmniSciDB to start automatically when the system reboots.

    sudo systemctl enable omnisci_server
    sudo systemctl enable omnisci_web_server

Enter Your License Key

Validate your OmniSci instance with your license key.

  1. Copy your license key from the registration email message. If you have not received your license key, contact your Sales Representative or register for your 30-day trial here.

  2. Connect to Immerse using a web browser connected to your host machine on port 6273. For example, http://omnisci.mycompany.com:6273.

  3. When prompted, paste your license key in the text box and click Apply.

  4. Click Connect to start using OmniSci.


To verify that everything is working correctly, load some sample data, perform an omnisql query, and generate a Table chart using Immerse.

  1. OmniSci ships with two sample datasets of airline flight information collected in 2008, and a census of New York City trees. To install sample data, run the following command.

    sudo ./insert_sample_data
  2. When prompted, choose dataset 2 (10 thousand rows).

    Enter dataset number to download, or 'q' to quit:
    #     Dataset           Rows    Table Name          File Name
    1)    Flights (2008)    7M      flights_2008_7M     flights_2008_7M.tar.gz
    2)    Flights (2008)    10k     flights_2008_10k    flights_2008_10k.tar.gz
    3)    NYC Tree Census (2015)    683k    nyc_trees_2015_683k    nyc_trees_2015_683k.tar.gz
  3. Connect to OmniSciDB by entering the following command (default password is HyperInteractive):

    password: ••••••••••••••••
  4. Enter a SQL query such as the following, based on dataset 2 above:

    omnisql> SELECT origin_city AS "Origin", dest_city AS "Destination", AVG(airtime) AS
    "Average Airtime" FROM flights_2008_10k WHERE distance < 175 GROUP BY origin_city,

    The results should be similar to the results below.

    Origin|Destination|Average Airtime
    Ft. Myers|Orlando|28.666667
    Orlando|Ft. Myers|32.583333
  5. Connect to Immerse using a web browser connected to your host machine on port 6273. For example, http://omnisci.mycompany.com:6273.

  6. Create a new dashboard and a Table chart:

    1. Click New Dashboard.

    2. Click Add Chart. Table is the default chart type.

    3. Click Select Data Source.

    4. Choose the flights_2008_10k table as the datasource.

    5. Click Add Measure.

    6. Choose depdelay.

    7. Click Add Measure.

    8. Choose arrdelay.

    The resulting chart shows, unsurprisingly, that there is a correlation between departure delay and arrival delay.

Last updated